
Showing posts from April, 2016


Tell Me about yoursel f   1)Speak up in chronological order from your interest in school days to current days How your interest     develop in your carrier. 2)Speak up you are very interested to do job.Don't say simply  that i need job. 3)Speak Relevant to Job 4)Smile in Middle 5)Tell what all achievements you have made .(Prefer Relevant) Watch from 2:30 Face to Face Interview Follow above points Skype Interview 1) Plain Background  2) Wear Dark formal shirt .it may be blue or black. 3) Have a proper light 4) Sit straight .Don't be lazy 5) Follow above mentioned Points too. 6) Don't forget to write follow up 7)A body Language should show creativity 8)your answers should be Creative 9)Have plain background 10)Never be late for skype interview 11)Don't ask about Traditional way of Interview 12)you should have driving ambition i.e burning ambition. 13)Atleast try to be a leader 14)Know yourself Why you fit

How to speak a Language ?

Speaking Somewhere is an opportunity to express your idea's,content,belief Speaking Any Language is a 2 step process Your Thought --> Language. Language is just a medium to express your thought nothing more than that.It is not matter if you say anything in a break sentences. Always must Be a better content teller rather than better language don't need to be perfumed,look better .what just matter is your content and attitude of casualness .that you gernally have when you speak to your close cousins or your real brother and sister. Be exited, curious and creative while delivering a speech.Don't care How people care about you. What they might say ! .Even if they say anything wrong .it is your duty that you should take it as a joke and laugh. Don't feel egoistic and learn to even laugh at yourself during speech if audience feel so.You should not have any Ego . Just an attitude of casualness that you always exhibit near your brother and sister. It